液压三辊卷板机采用德国和瑞典的技能。上部辊不会移动,两个唐纳辊旋转中心的周围。那些两个滚轮能够向上和向下在同一时间。这台机器需求喂板的第一次没有转动,然后能够完结预曲折、 舍入和其他程序。三辊卷板折弯机三个驱动辊主要做卷,并确保杰出轧制独立地从所用的资料的厚度。因为互相挨近,能够非常设置三辊,该机器可发作小管径。
6.它采用微电脑操控,并且有一个同步的精度为 ± 0.2 毫米。三辊卷板折弯机是一家制造商和供货商专门在我国轧制机中。我们公司是从事研究、 出产和出售为一体的折弯机。因为其高质量和规模的巨细,我们的产品赢得了很高的名誉,在我国和海外。
Hydraulic three roll bending machine adopts German and Swedish skills. The upper roller does not move around the two spinning rollers around the center of the roll. The two rollers can go up and down at the same time. The machine needs to feed the plate for the first time without turning, and then can finish the pre winding, rounding and other programs. Three roll bending machine, three drive rolls are mainly used to roll, and to ensure the outstanding rolling independently from the thickness of the data used. Because they come close to each other, you can set three rollers very much. The machine can attack small tubes.